⑴ sql 多條件過濾
沒有抄細看你的語句,提一點建議,參考一下襲吧,fcode排序是沒問題了,想要把最後一行放在財務室下面也貌似只能用suoshu排序了,明顯所屬是字元型的欄位,有沒有空格問題,還有可能是比較惡心的編碼問題導致的排序不正確,ORDER BY FCODE,RIGHT(TRIM(SUOSHU),4),這是DB2的語法
⑵ SQL問題,過濾條件
select * from (
select OPER_NAME,BSI_Tel,BSI_AccountNo,BSI_AccessNo,
(select D_Name from B_Department where D_ID = (select D_ID from S_BoardMappingDepartment where Board_ID = a.BSI_BureauID ) ) as 公司名稱,
BS_Name,BR_Name,BSI_Reason,BSI_AdjustmentDate,調整帶寬 = '' + cast(BSI_AppUp as varchar) + '|' + cast(BSI_AppDn as varchar) + ''
from B_BandwidthSpeedInfo a
left join S_Operator b on a.OPER_ID = b. OPER_ID
left join B_BillStatus c on a.BS_ID = c.BS_ID
left join B_BandwidthResult d on a.BP_ID = d.BR_ID
where a.BSI_AdjustmentDate between '2010-1-18' and '2010-1-20'
and (BP_ID in(7,8,10) or a.BR_ID =1)) tab
where 公司名稱=''
⑶ SQL 如何過濾符合條件的行
select * from table where gander = 1 and name Like '%cus%'
加入 where 去拿你想拿的數據 去看看sql 的基礎
⑷ SQL多個條件篩選
1、創建測試表,來create table test_con_x(company_name varchar(200), remark varchar2(200));
⑸ sql 語句 過濾條件
要過濾郵件的問題來 請大家來補充,看誰補充的最多 ???
從你的例子看,是能夠篩選出來大部分行郵件特徵的記錄,不過你的思路好象有問題:郵件的基本格式是 名@企業.類別
2.郵件地址也肯定包含. 的;
因此,採用 @ 在. 前面的方式會更正確,也比你的列舉方式更實在。
SELECT mail FROM member WHERE (mail <> '') AND (mail LIKE '%@%') AND (mail LIKE '%.%') AND (mail LIKE '%gmail%' OR mail LIKE '%yahoo%' OR mail LIKE '%163%' OR mail LIKE '%126%' OR mail LIKE '%sina%' OR mail LIKE '%sohu%' OR mail LIKE '%21cn%' OR mail LIKE '%eyou%' OR mail LIKE '%263%' OR mail LIKE '%tom%' OR mail LIKE '%china%' OR mail LIKE '%188%' OR mail LIKE '%msn%' OR mail LIKE '%hotmail%' OR mail LIKE '%qq%' OR mail LIKE '%sogou%' OR mail LIKE '%qianlong%' OR mail LIKE '%alibaba%' OR mail LIKE '%eastday%' OR mail LIKE '%hexun%' OR mail LIKE '%everyone%' OR mail LIKE '%peoplemail%')
⑹ SQL 過濾
select distinct(name1), distinct(name2), distinct(address) from table1
⑺ sql包含括弧過濾條件怎麼寫
select * from a where a_1 like '%(%'
select * from a where a_1 not like '%(%'
⑻ SQL 怎麼過濾符合條件的行
條件值都用where 後面寫需要的條件就可以了。
select * from 表 where 你的過濾條件。
⑼ SQL過濾條件的寫法
select * from 表A where a1 !=1 or a2 !=1 or a3 !=1 or a4 !=1 or a5 !=1