⑴ 廢水處理的方法英文
廢水處理的方法英文可以是Methods of wastewater treatment
⑵ 污水處理中的 A2/O 工藝用英文怎麼說
⑶ 求關於cass污水處理工藝的英文資料
This book with emphasis introced and the hospital sewage treatment related practical technology, like hydrolisis acidification, CASS, ABF, A/O, A2/O, the AB law, the oxidation ditch and so on, and elaborated at present commonly used moreover the economical effective disinfection method, like the end proct sodium hypochlorite disinfection fluid, the chemical process chlorine dioxide disinfection and so on, in addition, this book also collected reorganized the massive hospital sewage treatment typical project example.
This book in compilation process, prominent usability and pointed, introced the above method characteristic, the situation and the application method with emphasis.
⑷ 關於污水處理過程的英語作文
Title: Process in Recycle of Used Water.
A huge amount of used water are proced in our daily life. Treatment of used water not only prevents environmental pollution also saves water resource. Recyle of used water is usually involved in the following process. First, used water is introced into a sewage plant where the water are left steady for certain time. Precipitates are separated and used for fertilizers. The remaining water can be regarded as ordinary water which either is discharged into river or introced into a purification plant for fresh water.
Therefore, we must save water in our daily life!
⑸ 關於廢水處理的外文文獻以及翻譯!!!!
Pretreatment of coking wastewater using anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR)*
⑹ 急求關於水處理的英文原文和翻譯,謝謝了
1、給水工程 water supply engineering 原水的取集和處理以及成品水輸配的工程。
2、排水工程 sewerage ,wastewater engineering 收集、輸送、處理和處置廢水的工程。
3、給水系統 water supply system 給水的取水、輸水、水質處理和配水等設施以一定方式組合成的總體。
4、排水系統 sewerage system 排水的收集、輸送、水質處理和排放等設施以一定方式組合成的總體。
5、給水水源 water source 給水工程所取用的原水水體。
6、原水raw water 由水源地取來的原料水。
7、地表水surface water 存在於地殼表面,暴露於大氣的水。
8、地下水ground water 存在於地殼岩石裂縫或工壤空隙中的水。
9、苦鹹水(鹼性水) brackish water ,alkaline water 鹼度大於硬度的水,並含大量中性鹽,PH值大於7。
10、淡水fresh water 含鹽量小於500mg/L的水。
11、冷卻水cooling water 用以降低被冷卻對象溫度的水。
12、廢水 wastewater 居民活動過程中排出的水及徑流雨水的總稱。它包括生活污水、工業廢水和初雨徑流以及流入排水管渠的其它水。
13、污水sewage ,wastewater 受一定污染的來自生活和生產的排出水。
14、用水量 water consumption 用水對象實際使用的水量。
15、污水量 wastewater flow ,sewage flow 排水對象排入污水系統的水量。
16、用水定額 water flow norm 對不同的排水對象,在一定時期內制訂相對合理的單位排水量的數值。
17、排水定額 wastewater flow norm 對不同的排水對象,在一定時期內制訂相對合理的單位排水量的數值。
18、水質 water quality 在給水排水工程中,水的物理、化學、生物學等方面的性質。
19、渠道 channel ,conit 天然、人工開鑿、整治或砌築的輸水通道。
20、泵站 pumping house 設置水泵機組、電氣設備和管道、閘閥等的房屋。
21、泵站 pumping station 泵房及其配套設施的總稱。
22、給水處理 water treatment 對不符合用不對象水質要求的水。進行水質改善的過程。
23、污水處理 sewage treatment ,wastewater treatment 為使污水達到排水某一水體或再次使用的水質要求,對其進行凈化的過程。
24、廢水處理 wastewater disposal 對廢水的最終安排。一般將廢水排入地表水體、排放土地和再次使用等。
25、格柵 bar screen 一種柵條形的隔污設備,用以攔截水中較大尺寸的漂浮物或其他雜物。
26、曝氣 aeration 水與氣體接觸,進行溶氧或散除水中溶解性氣體和揮發性物質的過程。
27、沉澱 sedimentation 利用重力沉降作用去除水中雜物的過程。
28、澄清 clarification 通過與高濃度沉渣層的接觸而去除水中雜物的過程。
29、過濾filtration 藉助粒狀材料或多孔介質截除水中質物的過程。
30、離子交換法 ion exchange 採用離子交換劑去除水中某些鹽類離子的過程。
31、氯化 chlorination 在水中投氯或含氯氧化物方法消滅病原體的過程。
32、余氯 resial chlorine 水中投氯,經一定時間接觸後,在水中余留的游離性氯和結合性氯的總和。
33、游離性余氯 free resial chlorine 水中以次氯酸和次氯酸鹽形態存在的余氯。
34、結合性余氯 combinative resial chlorine 水中以二氯胺和一氯胺形態存在的余氯。
35、污泥 sludge 在水處理過程中產生的,以及排水管渠中沉積的固體與水的混合物或膠體物。
36、污泥處理 sludge treatment 對污泥的最終安排。一般將污泥作農肥、製作建築材料、填埋和投棄等。
37、水頭損失 head loss 水流通過管渠、設備和構築物等所引起的能量消耗。
1、直流水系統 once through system 水經過一次使用後即行排放或處理後排放的給水系統。
2、復用水系統 water reuse system 水經重復利用後再行排放或處理後排放的給水系統。
3、循環水系統 recirculation system 水經使用後不予排放而循環利用或處理後循環利用的給水系統。
4、生活用水 domestic water 人類日常生活所需用的水。
5、生產用水 process water 生產過程所需用的水。
6、消防用水 fire demand 撲滅火災所需用的水。
7、澆灑道路用水 street flushing demand ,road watering 對城鎮道路進行保養、清洗、降溫和消塵等所需用水。
8、綠化用水 green belt sprinkling ,green plot sprinkling 對市政綠地等所需用的水。
1、管井 deep well ,drilled well 井管從地面打到含水層,抽取地下水的井。
2、管井濾水管 deep well screen 設置在管井動水位以下,用以從含水層中集水的有縫隙或孔隙的管段。
3、管井沉澱管 grit compartment 位於管井最下部,用以容納進入井內的沙粒和從水中析出的沉澱物的管段。
4、大口井 g well ,open well 由人工開挖或沉井法施工,設置井筒,以截取淺層地下水的構築物。
5、井群 batter of wells 數個井組成的群體。
6、滲渠 infiltration gallery 壁上開孔,以集取淺層地下水的水平管渠。
7、地下水取水構築物反濾層 inverted layer 在大口井或滲渠進水處鋪設的粒徑沿水流方向由細到粗的級配礫層(簡稱反濾層)
8、泉室 spring chamber 集取泉水的構築物。
9、進水間 intake chamber 連接取水管與吸水井、內設格柵或格網的構築物。
10、格網 screen 一種網狀的用以攔截水中較大尺寸的漂浮物、水生動物或其他污染物的攔污設備。其網眼尺寸較格柵為小。
11、吸水井 suction well 為水泵吸水管專門設置的構築物。
1、凈水構築物 purification structure 以去除水中懸浮固體和膠體雜質等為主要目的的構築物的總稱。
2、投葯 chemical dosing 為進行水處理而向水中加一定劑量的化學葯劑的過程。
3、混合 mixing 使投入的葯劑迅速均勻地擴散於被處理水中以創造良好的凝聚反應條件的過程。
4、凝聚 coagulation 為了消除膠體顆粒間的排斥力或破壞其親水性,使顆粒易於相互接觸而吸附的過程。
5、絮凝 flocculation A、完成凝聚的膠體在一定的外力擾動下相互碰撞、聚集以形成較大絮狀顆粒的過程。曾用名反應。 B、高分子絮凝劑在懸浮固體和膠體雜質之間吸附架橋的過程。
6、自然沉澱 plain sedimentation 不加註任何凝聚劑的沉澱過程。
7、凝聚沉澱 coagulation sedimentation 加註凝聚劑的沉澱過程。
8、凝聚劑 coagulant 在凝聚過程中所投加的葯劑的統稱。
9、助凝劑 coagulant aid 在水的沉澱、澄清過程中,為改善絮凝效果,另設加的輔助葯劑。
10、葯劑固定儲備量 standby reserve 為考慮非正常原因導致葯劑供應中斷,而在葯劑倉庫內設置的在一般情況下不準動用的儲備量。簡稱固定儲備量。
11、葯劑周轉儲備量 current reserve 考慮葯劑消耗與供應時間之間差異所需的儲備量。簡稱周轉儲備量。
12、沉沙池(沉砂池)desilting basin ,grit chamber 去除水中自重很大、能自然沉降的較大粒徑沙粒或雜粒的水池。
13、預沉池 pre-sedimentation tank 原水中泥沙顆粒較大或濃度較高時,在進行凝聚沉澱處理前設置的沉澱池。
14、平流沉澱池 horizontal flow sedimentation tank 水沿水平方向流動的沉澱池。
15、異向流斜管 (或斜板)沉澱池 tube(plate)settler 池內設置斜管(或斜板),水自下而上經斜管(或斜板)進行沉澱,沉泥沿斜管(或斜板)向下滑動的沉澱的池。
16、同向流斜板沉澱池lamella 池內設置斜板,沉澱過程在斜板內進行,水流與沉泥均沿斜板向下流動的沉澱池。
17、機械攪拌澄清池 accelerator 利用機械使水提升和攪拌,促使泥渣循環,並使原水中固體雜質與己形成的泥渣接觸絮凝而分離沉澱的水池。
18、水力循環澄清池 circulator clarifier 利用水力使水提升,促使泥渣循環,並使原水中固體雜質與己形成的泥渣接觸絮凝而分離沉澱的水池。
19、脈沖澄清池 pulsator 懸浮層不斷產生固周期性的壓縮和膨脹,促使原水中固體雜質與己形成的泥渣進行接觸凝聚頁分離沉澱的水池。
20、懸浮澄清池 sludge blanket clarifier 加葯後的原水由上通過處於懸浮狀態的泥渣層,使水中雜質與泥渣懸浮層的顆粒碰撞凝聚而分離沉澱的水池。
21、液面負荷 surface load 在沉澱池、澄清池等沉澱構築物的凈化部分中,單位液(水)面積所負擔的出水流量。其計量單位通常以m3/(m2.h)表示。
22、氣浮池 floatation tank 運用絮凝和浮選原理使液體中的雜質分離上浮而去除的池子。
23、氣浮溶氣罐 dissolved air vessel 在氣浮工藝中,水與空氣在有壓條件下相互溶合的密閉容器。簡稱溶氣罐。
24、清水池 clear-water reservoir 為貯存水廠中凈化後的清水,以調節水廠制水量與供水量之間的差額,並為滿足加氯接觸時間而設置的水池。
1、配水管網 distribution system ,pipe system 將水送到分配管網以至用戶的管系。
2、環狀管網pipe network 配水管網的一種置形式,管道縱橫相互接通,形成環狀。
3、枝狀管網 branch system 配水管網的一種布置形式,干管和支管分明,形成樹枝狀。
4、水管支墩 buttress ,anchorage 為防止由管內水壓引起的水管配件接頭移位而造成漏水,需在水管幹線適當部位砌築的墩座。簡稱支墩。
1、排水制度 sewer system 在一個地區內收集和輸送廢水的方式。它有合流制和分流制兩種基本方式。
2、合流制 combined system 用同一種管渠分別收集和輸送廢水的排水的方式。
3、分流制 separate system 用不同管渠分別收集和輸送各種污水、雨水和生產廢水的排水的方式。
4、檢查井 manhole 排水管渠上連接其他管渠以及供養護工人檢查、清通和出入管渠的構築物。
5、跌水井 drop manhole 上下游管底跌差較大的檢查井。
6、事故排出口 emergency outlet 在排水系統發生故障時,把廢水臨時排放到天然水體或其它地點去的設施。
7、曝雨溢流井 (截留井)storm overflow well ,intercepting well 合流制排水系統中,用來截留、控制合流水量的構築物
1、生活污水 domestic sewage ,domestic wastewater 居民中日常生活中排出的廢水。
2、工業廢水 instrial wastewater 生產過程中排出的水。它包括生產廢水和生產污水。
3、生產污水polluted instrial wastewater 被污染的工業廢水。還包括水溫過高,排入後造成熱污染的工業廢水。
4、生產廢水 non-polluted instrial wastewater 未受污染或受輕微污染以及水溫稍有升高的工業廢水。
5、城市污水 municipal sewage ,municipal wastewater 排入城鎮污水系統的污水的統稱。在合流制排水系統中,還包括生產廢水和截留的雨水。
6、旱流污水 dry weather flow 合流制排水系統在晴天時輸送的污水。
7、水體自凈 self-purification of water bodies 河流等水體在自然條件的生化作用下,有機物降解,溶解氧回升和水體生物群逐漸恢復正常的過程。
8、一級處理 primary treatment 去除污水中的漂浮物和懸浮物的凈化過程,主要為沉澱。
9、二級處理 secondary treatment 污水經一級處理後,用生物處理方法繼續除去污水不膠體和溶解性有機物的凈化過程。
10、生物處理 biological treatment 利用微生物的作用,使污水中不穩定有機物降解和穩定的過程。
11、活性污泥法 activated sludge process 污水生物處理的一種方法。該法是在人工充氧條件下,對污水和各微生物群體進行連續混和培養,形成活性污泥。利用活性污泥的生物凝聚、吸附和氧化作用,以分解去除污水中的有機污染物。然後使污泥與水分離,大部分污泥再迴流到曝氣池,多餘部分則排出活性污泥系統。
12、生物膜法 biomembrance process 污水生物處理的一種方法。該法採用各種不同載體,通過污水與載體的不斷接觸,在載體上繁殖生物膜,利用膜的生物吸附和氧化作用,以降解去除污水中的有機污染物,脫落下來的生物膜與水進行分離。
13、雙層沉澱池(隱化池) Imhoff tank 由上層沉澱槽和下層污泥消化室組成。
14、初次沉澱池 primary sedimentation tank 污水處理中第一次沉澱的構築物,主要用以降低污水中的懸浮固體濃度。
15、二次沉澱池 secondary sedimentation tank 污水生物處理出水的沉澱構築物,用以分離其中的污泥。
16、生物濾池 biological filter ,trickling filter 由碎石或塑料製品填料構成的生物處理構築物。污水與填料表面上生長的微生物膜間歇接觸,使污水得到凈化。
17、生物接觸氧化 bio-contact oxidation 由浸沒在污水中的填料和人工曝氣系統構成的生物處理工藝。在有氧的條件下,污水與填表面的生物膜反復接觸,使污水獲得凈化。
18、曝氣池 aeration tank 利用活性污泥法進行污水生物處理的構築物。池內提供一定污水停留時間,滿足好氧微生物所需的氧量以及污水與活性污泥充分接觸的混合條件。
1、原污泥 raw sludge 未經污泥處理的初沉污泥、二沉剩餘污或兩者的混合污泥。
2、初沉污泥 primary sludge 從初次沉澱池排出的沉澱物。
3、二沉污泥 secondary sludge 從二次沉澱池排出的沉澱物。
4、活性污泥 activated sludge 曝氣池中繁殖的含有各種好氧微生物群體的絮狀體。
5、消化污泥 digested sludge 經過好氧消化或厭氧消化的污泥,所含有機物質濃度有一定程度的降低,並趨於穩定。
6、迴流污泥 returned sludge 由於次沉澱池(或沉澱區)分離出來,迴流到曝氣池的活性污泥。
7、剩餘污泥 excess activated sludge 活性污泥系統中從二次沉澱池(或沉澱區)排出系統外的活性污泥。
8、污泥氣 sludge gas 在污泥厭氧消化時,有機物分解所產生的氣體。主要成分為甲烷和二氧化碳,並有少量的氫、氮和硫化氫。俗稱沼氣。
9、污泥消化 sludge digestion 在有氧或無氧條件下,利用微生物的作用,使污泥中有機物轉化為較穩定物質的過程。
10、好氧消化 aerobic digestion 污泥經過較長時間的曝氣,其中一部分有機物由好氧微生物進一步降解和穩定的過程。
11、厭氧消化 anaerobic digestion 在無氧條件下,污泥中的有機物由厭氧微生物進行降解和穩定的過程。
12、中溫消化 mesophilic digestion 污泥在溫度為33℃-35℃時進行的厭氧消化工藝。
13、高溫消化 thermophilic digestion 污泥在溫度為53℃-55℃時進行的厭氧消化工藝。
14、污泥濃縮 sludge thickening 採用重力或氣浮法降低污泥含水量,使污泥稠化的過程。
15、污泥淘洗 elutriation of sludge 改善污泥脫水能的一種污泥預處理方法。用清水或廢水淘洗污泥,降低水化污泥鹼度,節省污泥處理投葯量,提高污濾脫水效率。
16、污泥脫水 sludge dewatering 對濃縮污泥進一步去除一部分含水量的過程,一般指機械脫水。
17、污泥真空過濾 sludge vacuum filtration 利用真空使過濾介質一側減壓,介質的污泥脫水方法。
18、污泥壓濾 sludge pressure filtration 採用正壓過濾,使污泥水強制濾過介質的污泥脫水方法。
19、污泥干化 sludge drying 通過滲濾或蒸發等作用,從污泥中去除大部分含水量的過程,一般指採用污泥干化場(床)等自然蒸發設施。
20、污泥焚燒 sludge incineration 污泥處理的一種工藝。它利用焚燒爐將脫水污泥加溫乾燥,再用高溫氧化污泥中的有機物,使污泥成為少量灰燼。
1、生化需氧量 biochmical oxygen demand 水樣在一定條件下,於一定期間內(一般採用5日、20℃)進行需氧化所消耗的溶解氧量。英文簡稱BOD。
2、化學需氧量 chemical oxygen demand 水樣中可氧化物從氧化劑重鉻酸鉀中所吸收的氧量。英文簡稱COD。
3、耗氧量 oxygen consumption 水樣中氧化物從氧化劑高錳酸鉀所吸收的氧量。英文簡稱OC或CODMn 。
4、懸浮固體 suspended solid 水中呈懸浮狀態的固體,一般指用濾紙過濾水樣,將濾後截留物在105℃溫度中乾燥恆重後的固體重量。英文簡稱SS
⑺ 關於污水處理的原版英文 帶翻譯的 急需
一、 用途與適用范圍
二、 處理工藝
SWZ系列污水設備處理工藝,其主要處理工藝是採用目前較為成熟的生物膜法污水處理設備,對處理氨氮指標較為成熟。水質設計參數按一般生活污水水質設計計算,按進水平均BOD5:≤250mg/L,出水BOD5:≤20mg/L,進水平均CODcr:≤400mg/L,出水CODcr:≤100mg/L,進水平均NH3-N:≤40mg/L ,出水NH3-N:≤15mg/L ,進水平均SS:≤300mg/L, 出水SS:≤70mg/L,進水平均動植物油≤40mg/L,出水動植物油≤10mg/L,主要工藝路線如下:
垃 事 達
圾 故 標
清 旁 迴流 排
運 通 放
上 清 液
三、 接管外形圖及設備安裝
四、 設備使用前檢查及設備啟動
五、 生物膜的培養
六、 設備運行管理
七、 維護保養及故障排除
故 障 原 因 排 除
污水流動不暢 管路或孔口有雜物堵住 用壓力水或壓縮空氣沖刷
曝氣量不足 進氣口有異物堵塞 清理異物
混合液迴流不暢 管道內有異物或閥門堵死 旋開閥門,用壓力水沖洗
污泥提升不暢 管道內有異物或閥門堵死 旋開閥門,用壓力水沖洗
Operation instructions to the DSTE
I Use and scope
This set is mainly used to treat the domestic sewage or some kind of instrial waste water, such as the waste water from the restaurant , sanatorium, or school, etc.
II. Treatment Technology
This DSTE set is mainly adopt the method of the Biomembrane method to deal with the waste water, it is a quite mature method to remove the NH4-N content in the water nowadays, the parameter of the water quality is designed according to the waste quantity containing in the raw water:
Waste intake average parameter
Effluent average parameter
The main treatment technology flow is as follow:
Kitchen sewage Oil interceptor
Intake of the sewage Bar rack Retention pool Anaerobic tank
sludge recycle
Contact oxidation tank Sediment tank disinfection tank
To disposal sludge tank
The sediment tank is erect style tank, the up-flow velocity is 0.4---0.8mm/s, contact oxidation material is stereoscopic and elastic, the specific surface area of it is 300m2/m3, the O2 supply is designed according to the BOD5 and NH3-N content in the water, and the aeration period will be 6~8 hours.
The time for waste water stay in the anaerobic tank is 2-3 hours, after contact oxidation, the waste water and sludge backflow to the anaerobic, backwater ratio is (100--200%) according to the adjustment. The time the waste water be kept in the sediment tank should more than 1.5~2 hours, sludge in the sediment tank will be exalted to the sludge tank by air waiting for the contact oxidation, then the overflow will backflow to the retention basin retreated, the sludge in the tank would be cleaned periodically.
III Installation
1.Three forms of installation: ⑴underground installation; ⑵half underground installation;⑶on the ground installation. The basement must be flat, if the set is installed underground, the height between the basement and the surface of the ground should adopt the drawing, and make the excavation width exceed 500mm out of the foundation plate , which is better for pipe installation.
2. Everything about pipe installation and connection should be taken into consideration when the set is ready. Make sure the net weight is suit with the crane, and the installation sequence should adopt the designed drawing, tight the screws with the rubber washer so as to connect the pipes, make sure there isn』t any leaking in the conit joint.
3. The install direction and position should be correct, so do the interval between them.
4. Fix the set with the surface of the ground after the installation has been finished, make sure it is firmly fixed, and the set wouldn』t move in the future. Pour in water after finish installation to the full. Make sure there isn』t any leaking on the conit joint, and make sure the set wouldn』t in version or inclined because of rise of the water under the ground.
5. After correct installation, pour some soil into the interval and make it flat, make sure:
⑴ The cover of the manhole should higher than the surface for about 100mm;
⑵ The air intake pipe on the manhole wouldn』t be blocked by the soil.
6. Connect the electrical control wire with the set, pay attention to the running direction of the blower and the submersible sewage pump. The electrical control cabinet couldn』t be kept outdoor, because the sun or rain would destroy the control board.
7. Points of attention:
⑴ The place to install the set could not store up the water when it is raining, ⑵ The water outlet pipes should be 0.4m under the surface of the ground.
⑶ Make sure that there wouldn』t any heavy things on top of it, and no tracks would get through it.
⑷ There should always some waste water in the set to prevent the floatage of the set by the underground water.
IV Examine the set and start before use
Make sure the electrical wires, control panel wires and the voltage are all accord with requirement. The local control cabinet could not only be used to control submersible sewage pumps and the blowers at the same time, but also could monitor itself according to the working condition. It also have the ability to self protect and self alarm, beside that, manual switch and automatic exchange switch are also equipped. To examine the pipes of the pump before start to see whether it is seeping or bibulous or stifled.
The pump of this set is antiblock avusion type pump, the control of two pumps is through the liquid switch in the waste water basin, working pump start to work when the height raised to the start level; the spare pump start when the height raised to the highest level; pump stop working when the height fall to the low level. Check out whether the revolving direction of the blower is correct when it is started.
When the liquid level is lower than the pump starting height, both two pumps stop working. At this time, the blower start to work intermittently, working time should between 0~30 minutes, and the period of the intermittent start should between 0~2 hours.
The control of the sludge discharge in the sediment tank is air boost discharge by the electromagnetic valve, discharging cycle: 2hours/time, discharging time: 5~8minutes/time.
The control of the set should be finished according to the computer designed working procere one time, (only under some special conditions the hand –driven control could be used). If it is necessary, the manual control of the submersible sewage pumps and the blowers and the electromagnetic valve can be realized through turning the switch on or off by hand.
V. The cultivation of the biomembrane
1. The quantity of sewage which entering in the set should accord with the rated flux with no stop.
2. The oxygen volume from the blower should reced to half amount when starting the submersible sewage pump, blower, electromagnetic valve and the CLO2 generator。
3. Observe the material filled in the contact oxidation tank, the biomembrane has finished when a piece of yellow or black dope could be found on the surface. The process costs 7~15 days.
4. The best temperature should be: 15~25℃
5. If the density of the original sewage is to low, it would cost more time to cultivate the biomembrane, so when it is necessary, some kind of furtilizer should be added.
6. The pH value should be kept between 6 and 9, so that the original sewage could reach the step of contact oxidation.
7. When start, pour in small quantity of sewage into the sewage treatment system. After the bilmembrane is finished, Sewage could enter in the system in normal flux.
VI. The management of the operation
1. Turn the blower to the normal position.
2. Let the backflow ratio of the contact oxidation tank reach the best position.
3. Working as designed, often observe the cultivative situation of the biomembrane.
VII. Maintenance and fix the breakdown
1. Make sure that there wouldn』t any solid material content in the sewage, to prevent the block of the pipes.
2. Cover the manhole of the set so as to prevent the droping of some solid material.
3. The pH value should be kept between 6 and 9, in order to keep a better condition for cultivation.
4. Change the lubricating oil in the blower one time every six months.
5. Keep the entrance of the blower unblocked.
6. Fix the breakdown
fault reason method
No enough water flow Sth. block in the pipe Clean by pressure water or air
No enough aeration volume Sth. block in the entrance of the blower Clean it
No enough refluence of the mix liquid Sth. block in the pipe or entrance of valve Unscrew the valve, clean it by pressure water
No enough refluence of the sludge Sth. block in the pipe
or entrance of valve Unscrew the valve, clean it by pressure water
⑻ 水處理工藝簡介(英文)
Biological Wastewater Treatment
This is a brief summary of the various techniques that have been developed to treat
wastewater by biological means. They accomplish what is generally called secondary treatment.
The idea behind all biological methods of wastewater treatment is to introce contact
with bacteria (cells), which feed on the organic materials in the wastewater, thereby
recing its BOD content. In other words, the purpose of biological treatment is BOD
Typically, wastewater enters the treatment plant with a BOD higher than 200 mg/L, but primary settling has already reced it to about 150 mg/L by the time it enters the
biological component of the system. It needs to exit with a BOD content no higher than about 20-30 mg/L, so that after dilution in the nearby receiving water body (river, lake), the BOD is less than 2-3 mg/L. Thus, the biological treatment needs to accomplish a 6-fold decrease in BOD.
Simple bacteria (cells) eat the organic material present in the wastewater. Through their metabolism, the organic material is transformed into cellular mass, which is no longer in solution but can be precipitated at the bottom of a settling tank or retained as slime on solid surfaces or vegetation in the system. The water exiting the system is then much clearer than it entered it.
A key factor is the operation of any biological system is an adequate supply of oxygen.
Indeed, cells need not only organic material as food but also oxygen to breathe, just like humans. Without an adequate supply of oxygen, the biological degradation of the waste is slowed down, thereby requiring a longer residency time of the water in the system. For a given flowrate of water to be treated, this translates into a system with a larger volume and thus taking more space.
Like all biological systems, operation takes place at ambient temperature. There is no
need to heat or cool the water, which saves on energy consumption. Because wastewater treatment operations take much space, they are located outdoor, and this implies that the system must be able to operate at seasonally varying temperatures. Cells come in a mix of many types, and accommodation to a temperature change is simply accomplished by self adaptation of the cell population.
Similarly, a change in composition of the organic material (e to people』 changing
activities) leads to a spontaneous change in cell population, with the types best suited to digest the new material growing in larger numbers than other cell types.
Types of equipment for biological treatment:
There are two broad types of biological wastewater treatment: those that include
mechanical means to create contact between wastewater, cells and oxygen, and those than don』t.
a) With mechanical means:
1. Activated sludge: This is the most common type. It consists in a set of two basins. In the first, air is pumped through perforated pipes at the bottom of the basin, air rises through the water in the form of many small bubbles. These bubbles accomplish two things: they provide oxygen form the air to the water and create highly turbulent conditions that favor intimate contact between cells, the organic material in the water and oxygen. The second basin is a settling tank, where water flow is made to be very quiet so that the cellular material may be removed by gravitational settling. Some of the cell material collected at the bottom is captured and fed back into the first basin to seed the process. The rest is treated anaerobically (= without oxygen) until it is transformed into a compost-type material (like soil).
The cost of an activated-sludge system is chiefly e to the energy required to pump air at high pressure at the bottom of the aerator tank (to overcome the hydrostatic pressure of the water). Another disadvantage is that the operation is accomplished in two separate basins, thereby occupying a substantial amount of real estate.
2. Trickling filter: A trickling filter consists in a bed of fist-size rocks over which the
wastewater is gently sprayed by a rotating arm. Slime (fungi, algae) develops on the rock surface, growing by intercepting organic material from the water as it trickles down. Since the water layer passing over the rocks makes thin sheets, there is good contact with air and cells are effectively oxygenated. Worms and insects living in this 「ecosystem」 also contribute to removal of organic material from the water. The slime periodically slides off the rocks and is collected at the bottom of the system, where it is removed. Water needs to be trickled several times over the rocks before it is sufficiently cleaned. Multiple spraying also provides a way to keep the biological slimes from drying out in hours of low-flow conditions (ex. at night). Plastic nets are graally replacing rocks in newer versions of this system, providing more surface area per volume, thereby recing the size of the equipment.
3. Biological contactor: This is essentially a variation on the trickling filter, with the
difference being that solid material on which slime grows is brought to the water rather than water being brought to it. Rotating disks alternate exposure between air and water.
b) Without mechanical means:
The wastewater is made to flow by gravity through a specially constructed wetland.
There, the water is brought into close contact with vegetation (ex. reeds), which acts as a biological filter to the water. The organic material in the wastewater is used as nutrient by the plants. Oxygen supply is passively accomplished by surface aeration (contact with oxygen of the atmosphere). Since water flow is slow in such system, to give ample time for the biological activity to take place, there is almost no turbulence in the water and reaeration is weak. Compared to mechanical systems, constructed wetlands occupy far more real estate, but they may be aesthetically pleasing, especially if they are well integrated in the local landscape. They emit no odor, but people should stay away because of the danger posed by pathogens. Constructed wetlands have also the least energy requirement. Energy is only needed to pump the wastewater to the entrance of the system, from where gravity and biology do the rest. A major disadvantage, however, is the highly reced performance ring winter, especially in regions where ground freezes ring some of the winter months.
⑼ 污水處理工藝中常用的名詞術語及它們的英文縮寫
1、給水工程 water supply engineering 原水的取集和處理以及成品水輸配的工程。
2、排水工程 sewerage ,wastewater engineering 收集、輸送、處理和處置廢水的工程。
3、給水系統 water supply system 給水的取水、輸水、水質處理和配水等設施以一定方式組合成的總體。
4、排水系統 sewerage system 排水的收集、輸送、水質處理和排放等設施以一定方式組合成的總體。
5、給水水源 water source 給水工程所取用的原水水體。
6、原水raw water 由水源地取來的原料水。
7、地表水surface water 存在於地殼表面,暴露於大氣的水。
8、地下水ground water 存在於地殼岩石裂縫或工壤空隙中的水。
9、苦鹹水(鹼性水) brackish water ,alkaline water 鹼度大於硬度的水,並含大量中性鹽,PH值大於7。
10、淡水fresh water 含鹽量小於500mg/L的水。
11、冷卻水cooling water 用以降低被冷卻對象溫度的水。
12、廢水 wastewater 居民活動過程中排出的水及徑流雨水的總稱。它包括生活污水、工業廢水和初雨徑流以及流入排水管渠的其它水。
13、污水sewage ,wastewater 受一定污染的來自生活和生產的排出水。
14、用水量 water consumption 用水對象實際使用的水量。
15、污水量 wastewater flow ,sewage flow 排水對象排入污水系統的水量。
16、用水定額 water flow norm 對不同的排水對象,在一定時期內制訂相對合理的單位排水量的數值。
17、排水定額 wastewater flow norm 對不同的排水對象,在一定時期內制訂相對合理的單位排水量的數值。
18、水質 water quality 在給水排水工程中,水的物理、化學、生物學等方面的性質。
19、渠道 channel ,conit 天然、人工開鑿、整治或砌築的輸水通道。
20、泵站 pumping house 設置水泵機組、電氣設備和管道、閘閥等的房屋。
21、泵站 pumping station 泵房及其配套設施的總稱。
22、給水處理 water treatment 對不符合用不對象水質要求的水。進行水質改善的過程。
23、污水處理 sewage treatment ,wastewater treatment 為使污水達到排水某一水體或再次使用的水質要求,對其進行凈化的過程。
24、廢水處理 wastewater disposal 對廢水的最終安排。一般將廢水排入地表水體、排放土地和再次使用等。
25、格柵 bar screen 一種柵條形的隔污設備,用以攔截水中較大尺寸的漂浮物或其他雜物。
26、曝氣 aeration 水與氣體接觸,進行溶氧或散除水中溶解性氣體和揮發性物質的過程。
27、沉澱 sedimentation 利用重力沉降作用去除水中雜物的過程。
28、澄清 clarification 通過與高濃度沉渣層的接觸而去除水中雜物的過程。
29、過濾filtration 藉助粒狀材料或多孔介質截除水中質物的過程。
30、離子交換法 ion exchange 採用離子交換劑去除水中某些鹽類離子的過程。
31、氯化 chlorination 在水中投氯或含氯氧化物方法消滅病原體的過程。
32、余氯 resial chlorine 水中投氯,經一定時間接觸後,在水中余留的游離性氯和結合性氯的總和。
33、游離性余氯 free resial chlorine 水中以次氯酸和次氯酸鹽形態存在的余氯。
34、結合性余氯 combinative resial chlorine 水中以二氯胺和一氯胺形態存在的余氯。
35、污泥 sludge 在水處理過程中產生的,以及排水管渠中沉積的固體與水的混合物或膠體物。
36、污泥處理 sludge treatment 對污泥的最終安排。一般將污泥作農肥、製作建築材料、填埋和投棄等。
37、水頭損失 head loss 水流通過管渠、設備和構築物等所引起的能量消耗。
1、直流水系統 once through system 水經過一次使用後即行排放或處理後排放的給水系統。
2、復用水系統 water reuse system 水經重復利用後再行排放或處理後排放的給水系統。
3、循環水系統 recirculation system 水經使用後不予排放而循環利用或處理後循環利用的給水系統。
4、生活用水 domestic water 人類日常生活所需用的水。
5、生產用水 process water 生產過程所需用的水。
6、消防用水 fire demand 撲滅火災所需用的水。
7、澆灑道路用水 street flushing demand ,road watering 對城鎮道路進行保養、清洗、降溫和消塵等所需用水。
8、綠化用水 green belt sprinkling ,green plot sprinkling 對市政綠地等所需用的水。
1、管井 deep well ,drilled well 井管從地面打到含水層,抽取地下水的井。
2、管井濾水管 deep well screen 設置在管井動水位以下,用以從含水層中集水的有縫隙或孔隙的管段。
3、管井沉澱管 grit compartment 位於管井最下部,用以容納進入井內的沙粒和從水中析出的沉澱物的管段。
4、大口井 g well ,open well 由人工開挖或沉井法施工,設置井筒,以截取淺層地下水的構築物。
5、井群 batter of wells 數個井組成的群體。
6、滲渠 infiltration gallery 壁上開孔,以集取淺層地下水的水平管渠。
7、地下水取水構築物反濾層 inverted layer 在大口井或滲渠進水處鋪設的粒徑沿水流方向由細到粗的級配礫層(簡稱反濾層)
8、泉室 spring chamber 集取泉水的構築物。
9、進水間 intake chamber 連接取水管與吸水井、內設格柵或格網的構築物。
10、格網 screen 一種網狀的用以攔截水中較大尺寸的漂浮物、水生動物或其他污染物的攔污設備。其網眼尺寸較格柵為小。
11、吸水井 suction well 為水泵吸水管專門設置的構築物。
1、凈水構築物 purification structure 以去除水中懸浮固體和膠體雜質等為主要目的的構築物的總稱。
2、投葯 chemical dosing 為進行水處理而向水中加一定劑量的化學葯劑的過程。
3、混合 mixing 使投入的葯劑迅速均勻地擴散於被處理水中以創造良好的凝聚反應條件的過程。
4、凝聚 coagulation 為了消除膠體顆粒間的排斥力或破壞其親水性,使顆粒易於相互接觸而吸附的過程。
5、絮凝 flocculation A、完成凝聚的膠體在一定的外力擾動下相互碰撞、聚集以形成較大絮狀顆粒的過程。曾用名反應。 B、高分子絮凝劑在懸浮固體和膠體雜質之間吸附架橋的過程。
6、自然沉澱 plain sedimentation 不加註任何凝聚劑的沉澱過程。
7、凝聚沉澱 coagulation sedimentation 加註凝聚劑的沉澱過程。
8、凝聚劑 coagulant 在凝聚過程中所投加的葯劑的統稱。
9、助凝劑 coagulant aid 在水的沉澱、澄清過程中,為改善絮凝效果,另設加的輔助葯劑。
10、葯劑固定儲備量 standby reserve 為考慮非正常原因導致葯劑供應中斷,而在葯劑倉庫內設置的在一般情況下不準動用的儲備量。簡稱固定儲備量。
11、葯劑周轉儲備量 current reserve 考慮葯劑消耗與供應時間之間差異所需的儲備量。簡稱周轉儲備量。
12、沉沙池(沉砂池)desilting basin ,grit chamber 去除水中自重很大、能自然沉降的較大粒徑沙粒或雜粒的水池。
13、預沉池 pre-sedimentation tank 原水中泥沙顆粒較大或濃度較高時,在進行凝聚沉澱處理前設置的沉澱池。
14、平流沉澱池 horizontal flow sedimentation tank 水沿水平方向流動的沉澱池。
15、異向流斜管 (或斜板)沉澱池 tube(plate)settler 池內設置斜管(或斜板),水自下而上經斜管(或斜板)進行沉澱,沉泥沿斜管(或斜板)向下滑動的沉澱的池。
16、同向流斜板沉澱池lamella 池內設置斜板,沉澱過程在斜板內進行,水流與沉泥均沿斜板向下流動的沉澱池。
17、機械攪拌澄清池 accelerator 利用機械使水提升和攪拌,促使泥渣循環,並使原水中固體雜質與己形成的泥渣接觸絮凝而分離沉澱的水池。
18、水力循環澄清池 circulator clarifier 利用水力使水提升,促使泥渣循環,並使原水中固體雜質與己形成的泥渣接觸絮凝而分離沉澱的水池。
19、脈沖澄清池 pulsator 懸浮層不斷產生固周期性的壓縮和膨脹,促使原水中固體雜質與己形成的泥渣進行接觸凝聚頁分離沉澱的水池。
20、懸浮澄清池 sludge blanket clarifier 加葯後的原水由上通過處於懸浮狀態的泥渣層,使水中雜質與泥渣懸浮層的顆粒碰撞凝聚而分離沉澱的水池。
21、液面負荷 surface load 在沉澱池、澄清池等沉澱構築物的凈化部分中,單位液(水)面積所負擔的出水流量。其計量單位通常以m3/(m2.h)表示。
22、氣浮池 floatation tank 運用絮凝和浮選原理使液體中的雜質分離上浮而去除的池子。
23、氣浮溶氣罐 dissolved air vessel 在氣浮工藝中,水與空氣在有壓條件下相互溶合的密閉容器。簡稱溶氣罐。
24、清水池 clear-water reservoir 為貯存水廠中凈化後的清水,以調節水廠制水量與供水量之間的差額,並為滿足加氯接觸時間而設置的水池。
1、配水管網 distribution system ,pipe system 將水送到分配管網以至用戶的管系。
2、環狀管網pipe network 配水管網的一種置形式,管道縱橫相互接通,形成環狀。
3、枝狀管網 branch system 配水管網的一種布置形式,干管和支管分明,形成樹枝狀。
4、水管支墩 buttress ,anchorage 為防止由管內水壓引起的水管配件接頭移位而造成漏水,需在水管幹線適當部位砌築的墩座。簡稱支墩。
1、排水制度 sewer system 在一個地區內收集和輸送廢水的方式。它有合流制和分流制兩種基本方式。
2、合流制 combined system 用同一種管渠分別收集和輸送廢水的排水的方式。
3、分流制 separate system 用不同管渠分別收集和輸送各種污水、雨水和生產廢水的排水的方式。
4、檢查井 manhole 排水管渠上連接其他管渠以及供養護工人檢查、清通和出入管渠的構築物。
5、跌水井 drop manhole 上下游管底跌差較大的檢查井。
6、事故排出口 emergency outlet 在排水系統發生故障時,把廢水臨時排放到天然水體或其它地點去的設施。
7、曝雨溢流井 (截留井)storm overflow well ,intercepting well 合流制排水系統中,用來截留、控制合流水量的構築物
1、生活污水 domestic sewage ,domestic wastewater 居民中日常生活中排出的廢水。
2、工業廢水 instrial wastewater 生產過程中排出的水。它包括生產廢水和生產污水。
3、生產污水polluted instrial wastewater 被污染的工業廢水。還包括水溫過高,排入後造成熱污染的工業廢水。
4、生產廢水 non-polluted instrial wastewater 未受污染或受輕微污染以及水溫稍有升高的工業廢水。
5、城市污水 municipal sewage ,municipal wastewater 排入城鎮污水系統的污水的統稱。在合流制排水系統中,還包括生產廢水和截留的雨水。
6、旱流污水 dry weather flow 合流制排水系統在晴天時輸送的污水。
7、水體自凈 self-purification of water bodies 河流等水體在自然條件的生化作用下,有機物降解,溶解氧回升和水體生物群逐漸恢復正常的過程。
8、一級處理 primary treatment 去除污水中的漂浮物和懸浮物的凈化過程,主要為沉澱。
9、二級處理 secondary treatment 污水經一級處理後,用生物處理方法繼續除去污水不膠體和溶解性有機物的凈化過程。
10、生物處理 biological treatment 利用微生物的作用,使污水中不穩定有機物降解和穩定的過程。
11、活性污泥法 activated sludge process 污水生物處理的一種方法。該法是在人工充氧條件下,對污水和各微生物群體進行連續混和培養,形成活性污泥。利用活性污泥的生物凝聚、吸附和氧化作用,以分解去除污水中的有機污染物。然後使污泥與水分離,大部分污泥再迴流到曝氣池,多餘部分則排出活性污泥系統。
12、生物膜法 biomembrance process 污水生物處理的一種方法。該法採用各種不同載體,通過污水與載體的不斷接觸,在載體上繁殖生物膜,利用膜的生物吸附和氧化作用,以降解去除污水中的有機污染物,脫落下來的生物膜與水進行分離。
13、雙層沉澱池(隱化池) Imhoff tank 由上層沉澱槽和下層污泥消化室組成。
14、初次沉澱池 primary sedimentation tank 污水處理中第一次沉澱的構築物,主要用以降低污水中的懸浮固體濃度。
15、二次沉澱池 secondary sedimentation tank 污水生物處理出水的沉澱構築物,用以分離其中的污泥。
16、生物濾池 biological filter ,trickling filter 由碎石或塑料製品填料構成的生物處理構築物。污水與填料表面上生長的微生物膜間歇接觸,使污水得到凈化。
17、生物接觸氧化 bio-contact oxidation 由浸沒在污水中的填料和人工曝氣系統構成的生物處理工藝。在有氧的條件下,污水與填表面的生物膜反復接觸,使污水獲得凈化。
18、曝氣池 aeration tank 利用活性污泥法進行污水生物處理的構築物。池內提供一定污水停留時間,滿足好氧微生物所需的氧量以及污水與活性污泥充分接觸的混合條件。
1、原污泥 raw sludge 未經污泥處理的初沉污泥、二沉剩餘污或兩者的混合污泥。
2、初沉污泥 primary sludge 從初次沉澱池排出的沉澱物。
3、二沉污泥 secondary sludge 從二次沉澱池排出的沉澱物。
4、活性污泥 activated sludge 曝氣池中繁殖的含有各種好氧微生物群體的絮狀體。
5、消化污泥 digested sludge 經過好氧消化或厭氧消化的污泥,所含有機物質濃度有一定程度的降低,並趨於穩定。
6、迴流污泥 returned sludge 由於次沉澱池(或沉澱區)分離出來,迴流到曝氣池的活性污泥。
7、剩餘污泥 excess activated sludge 活性污泥系統中從二次沉澱池(或沉澱區)排出系統外的活性污泥。
8、污泥氣 sludge gas 在污泥厭氧消化時,有機物分解所產生的氣體。主要成分為甲烷和二氧化碳,並有少量的氫、氮和硫化氫。俗稱沼氣。
9、污泥消化 sludge digestion 在有氧或無氧條件下,利用微生物的作用,使污泥中有機物轉化為較穩定物質的過程。
10、好氧消化 aerobic digestion 污泥經過較長時間的曝氣,其中一部分有機物由好氧微生物進一步降解和穩定的過程。
11、厭氧消化 anaerobic digestion 在無氧條件下,污泥中的有機物由厭氧微生物進行降解和穩定的過程。
12、中溫消化 mesophilic digestion 污泥在溫度為33℃-35℃時進行的厭氧消化工藝。
13、高溫消化 thermophilic digestion 污泥在溫度為53℃-55℃時進行的厭氧消化工藝。
14、污泥濃縮 sludge thickening 採用重力或氣浮法降低污泥含水量,使污泥稠化的過程。
15、污泥淘洗 elutriation of sludge 改善污泥脫水能的一種污泥預處理方法。用清水或廢水淘洗污泥,降低水化污泥鹼度,節省污泥處理投葯量,提高污濾脫水效率。
16、污泥脫水 sludge dewatering 對濃縮污泥進一步去除一部分含水量的過程,一般指機械脫水。
17、污泥真空過濾 sludge vacuum filtration 利用真空使過濾介質一側減壓,介質的污泥脫水方法。
18、污泥壓濾 sludge pressure filtration 採用正壓過濾,使污泥水強制濾過介質的污泥脫水方法。
19、污泥干化 sludge drying 通過滲濾或蒸發等作用,從污泥中去除大部分含水量的過程,一般指採用污泥干化場(床)等自然蒸發設施。
20、污泥焚燒 sludge incineration 污泥處理的一種工藝。它利用焚燒爐將脫水污泥加溫乾燥,再用高溫氧化污泥中的有機物,使污泥成為少量灰燼。
1、生化需氧量 biochmical oxygen demand 水樣在一定條件下,於一定期間內(一般採用5日、20℃)進行需氧化所消耗的溶解氧量。英文簡稱BOD。
2、化學需氧量 chemical oxygen demand 水樣中可氧化物從氧化劑重鉻酸鉀中所吸收的氧量。英文簡稱COD。
3、耗氧量 oxygen consumption 水樣中氧化物從氧化劑高錳酸鉀所吸收的氧量。英文簡稱OC或CODMn 。
4、懸浮固體 suspended solid 水中呈懸浮狀態的固體,一般指用濾紙過濾水樣,將濾後截留物在105℃溫度中乾燥恆重後的固體重量。英文簡稱SS
⑽ 求一篇關於廢水處理的英文文章
Raw Influent (Sewage) is the liquid waste from toilets, baths, showers, kitchens, sinks etc. Household waste that is disposed of via sewers. In many areas sewage also includes some liquid waste from instry and commerce. In the UK, the waste from toilets is termed foul waste, the waste from items such as basins, baths, kitchens is termed sullage water, and the instrial and commercial waste is termed trade waste.
The division of household water drains into greywater and blackwater is becoming more common in the developed world, with greywater being permitted to be used for watering plants or recycled for flushing toilets. A lot of sewage also includes some surface water from roofs or hard-standing areas. Municipal wastewater therefore includes residential, commercial, and instrial liquid waste discharges, and may include stormwater runoff. Sewage systems capable of handling stormwater are known as combined systems. Such systems are usually avoided since they complicate and thereby rece the efficiency of sewage treatment plants owing to their seasonality. In addition, heavy storms may overwhelm the sewage treatment system, causing a spill or overflow. It is preferable to have a separate storm drain system for stormwater.
The construction of combined sewers is a less common practice in the United States and Canada than in the past and is no longer accepted within building regulations in the UK and other European countries. Instead, liquid waste and stormwater are collected and conveyed in separate sewer systems, referred to as sanitary sewers and storm sewers in the U.S. and as foul sewers and surface water sewers in the UK. Overflows from foul sewers designed to relieve pressure from heavy rainfall are termed storm sewers or combined sewer overflows.
As rainfall runs over the surface of roofs and the ground, it may pick up various contaminants including soil particles, (sediment), heavy metals, organic compounds, animal waste, and oil and grease. Some jurisdictions require stormwater to receive some level of treatment before being discharged directly into waterways. Examples of treatment processes used for stormwater include sedimentation basins, wetlands, and vortex separators (to remove coarse solids).
The site where the process is concted is called a sewage treatment plant. The flow scheme of a sewage treatment plant is generally the same for all countries:
Mechanical treatment;
Influx (Influent)
Removal of large objects
Removal of sand and grit
Biological treatment;
Oxidation bed (oxidizing bed) or aeration system
Post precipitation
Chemical treatment (this step is usually combined with settling and other processes to remove solids, such as filtration. The combination is referred to in the US as physical-chemical treatment.).