❶ 写唐人街的60字英语作文
For Lawrence Cheng, the arrival of another betting shop in London’s Chinatown district is one more nail in the coffin of the immigrant business community whose colourful, lantern-laced streets have been part of the capital since the 1950s.
伦敦唐人街又出现了一家博彩店,在郑健强(Lawrence Cheng)看来,这就等于是推动该移民商业社区向着衰亡又迈进了一步。自上世纪五十年代以来,该社区五颜六色、挂满灯笼的街道就一直是英国首都的一道风景线。
“We need another betting shop like we need a hole in the head,” says Mr Cheng, a restaurant owner who serves as secretary-general at the London Chinatown Chinese Association. “Within 60 yards of where you’re sitting there are seven or eight bookies.”
郑健强表示:“我们根本不需要又一家博彩店。你现在坐的位置方圆60码之内已有七八个经营博彩店的人。”郑健强是一家餐厅的业主,另外还担任伦敦华埠商会(London Chinatown Chinese Association)的秘书长。
Historically, Chinatowns have been a distinctive feature of many city centres, seemingly impervious to gentrification and constantly rising property prices. But Mr Chen is voicing a fear, felt in Chinatowns from London to San Francisco, that the struggle to keep up with rising rents and other challenges will prompt these vibrant communities to disappear.
It is not just rising rents that are threatening their survival. In London’s Chinatown, businesses have become the target of regular raids by a UK Border Agency that is clamping down on illegal workers.
威胁到其生存的不仅仅是租金上涨。在伦敦唐人街,商家已成为英国边境管理局(UK Border Agency)定期搜查的目标。该局正在对非法劳工进行整治。
A generation gap means that children often have little interest in the family business, while would-be immigrants see brighter prospects at home.
The appreciating price of Chinese merchandise is pushing up costs as the falling value of the US dollar and pound has fallen against the renminbi, meaning that the money that gets sent home no longer goes so far.
In New York’s Chinatown, where trendy coffee shops and boutique clothing stores are replacing noodle bars, the Asian population dropped 15 per cent over the past decade, according to census data, even as the wider New York Asian population grew by 30 per cent. In areas around San Francisco’s Chinatown, the Asian population has fallen by about 23 per cent in the same period.
在纽约唐人街,时髦的咖啡馆和精品服装店正在取代面吧(noodle bar)。人口普查数据显示,过去十年,纽约唐人街的亚裔人口减少了15%,尽管整个纽约的亚裔人口增加了30%。同一时期,在旧金山唐人街周边地区,亚裔人口减少了23%左右。
The Chinatown in Philadelphia is particularly exposed to an influx of investors buying up surrounding luxury developments which is pushing up property prices and rents, according to a study by the Asian American Legal Defense and Ecation Fund. Ironically, much of the hot money hails from mainland China.
亚裔美国人法律辩护与教育基金会(Asian American Legal Defense and Ecation Fund)的一项研究显示,费城唐人街受到的冲击尤其明显,不少投资者涌入那里大举购买周边的豪宅,推高了房地产价格和房租。具有讽刺意味的是,很大一部分热钱来自于中国大陆。
Andrew Leong, one of the authors of the study, said that as cities lose their Chinatowns, they also lose important services and businesses – such as English schools and job centres – that help new immigrants to integrate.
研究报告的作者之一Andrew Leong表示,随着唐人街在一座座城市中逐渐消失,一些帮助新移民融入社会的重要服务和生意也在走向消亡,比如英语学校和就业指导中心。
“New immigrants will use Chinatown ring the first 10-15 years because of language and cultural barriers they face if left to live in the suburbs,” Mr Leong said. “If you have a China-town it reces tension.
Andrew Leong说:“新移民刚来的时候,可能会先在唐人街生活10年到15年——如果他们住在城郊,会面临语言和文化上的障碍。如果有唐人街,摩擦就会减少。唐人街可帮助他们融入美国社会。”
It helps them acclimatise into American society.” The bustle in Chinatowns worldwide has not stopped, but behind the facades of Chinese shops and offices, there is concern that the most recent problems affecting their communities may be insurmountable.
As the global population increasingly shifts to living in cities, competition for prime space, whether business or residential, is likely to keep on driving up rents and prices in prime locations. London property prices recently reached a record partly on the back of international investment.
Residents and businesses established in Chinatowns are aware of this and a barrage of other problems closing in on them.